CHRISTIANITY is not pessimistic; it is the most optimistic of anything on earth. While it says that “in the last days perilous times shall come”, and that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, and that there shall be oppression and persecution of all who “will live godly in Christ Jesus,” it also points with equal and even greater emphasis to the approaching end of all the evils which fill the earth with mourning, and the establishment of the glorious and eternal kingdom of righteousness and peace. And to every individual, whatever may be his circumstances and into whatever evils he may have fallen, it brings peace and happiness now, and an assurance of eternal joy in the kingdom of God. “The mourning cometh,” is its welcome word to the waiting believer; therefore “look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh”.
The Christian religion is the sovereign remedy for “hard times”, or for any trouble by which an individual may be afflicted, whether within or without. The SENTINEL would have every one whom it can reach accept and put in practice the principles of Christianity. These represent the highest optimism of which the mind can conceive.